Yesterday I received the exciting news that the blog has been shortlisted for the UK Blog Awards 2018 (again).

I cannot express how much it means to me the fact that so many people voted for Mrs Humanities.

Last year the news came after a really hard year – in 2016 I experienced a mental breakdown due to my previous workplace. The rest of the year was spent recovering, starting at a new school and focusing on my wellbeing. It came as such a surprise when last Janaury I recieved the email. It made my year.
2017 has been a very different year. A year of striving for a work/life balance and actually achieving it (alot of the time). It was a year of significant improvements. I’m now really pleased to find that my blog has bee shortlisted again. It honestly means so much to me that people voted and that my work has been shortlisted.
A really huge thank you to everyone that voted for I am really grateful for every vote, comment and visitor throughout 2017.
I hope you’ve had a positive start to 2018.
Best wishes,
