After making the suffragette market place and visual hexagon activity yesterday, I realised how easy visual hexagons were to make.
In the final week of this term year 11 are doing some revision, after a suggestion from Mr Logue I thought I’d make a a visual hexagon activity to go along with the other tasks I have created to help them revise the current topic on the Economic Change.

I then got a bit carried away and started making a few more. I figured I could add them as a revision resource to the GCSE Help Yourself Resource Display. I’ve not used them in class before but I imagine they are a productive revision tool, so it won’t be wasted time.
I thought I’d shared what I’ve created with you, simply go to the dropbox to access & download them.
The ones I’ve made are based around the content of the Edexcel B Geography Spec, but I’m sure they would be applicable to others.
I’ll add more as I make them. Please feel free to add your own.

Note: Visual Hexagon Inspiration from JIVESPIN
Note: I do not own the copyright to the images within the hexagons; to find the source of images please click the image in the document.